Today it was injury. And I guess endurance athletes (it's weird to call myself that, or even to think it in my head) deal with this all the time, and they have to mentally push through it OR (and importantly) know when it's time to take a rest, seek out some help.

When I got to Foot Traffic, the running store where our day had started and would end, I sat down with a roller and tried to knead out the knot on the inside of my leg. It was so painful I teared up. When I stood up a few minutes later it hurt just to walk on it. Coach Mike came into the store. "I'm going to tell you something you're not going to want to hear." I glared at him. "You need to stop for the day. And you need to see a doctor."
I guess this area of the leg is where the ligaments attaching to the shin bone and achilles are located. And is a common area for runners to develop fractures. "What if I finished the last 8 miles on a flatter surface?"
"A. It's not going to be helpful and B. it could be harmful. Take a couple days off and call Dr. Howe. Make an appointment."
Apparently Dr. Howe is a miracle worker. And an incredible athlete. He finished his first marathon in under 3 and I believe has even won a couple events. And probably never gets injured. And is available on Monday at 10 a.m. to work his miracles on my legs. So I gave in, I quit a team run for the first time since training started in December. I drove home and took a 15 minute ice bath and crawled in bed with the second season of True Blood.
Tyler invited me over tonight and I listened to her and another teammate talk about how brutal McVey Blvd was - the part that came right after I dropped out. They had that "I hurt, but I feel accomplished" look to them. I was jealous.
For some reason Billy Joel's Vienna popped into my head on my way home from Tyler's a couple hours ago. This song has supplied sage advice to me for years, but when I listened to it tonight, like 80 times on repeat, it was more comforting than it has ever been in the past. I'm taking Coach Mike's advice, another ice bath tomorrow, some ibuprofin . . . and on Tuesday I'm making a mad comeback.
Slow down you crazy child, take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while
It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two...
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?
I've met my fundraising goal, but would still love your support for this incredible cause. Eugene is less than two months away. Wish me well.
P.S. Don't feel too sorry for me having to take ice baths. I get to crawl in bed with this when it's all over.